Blog Post 3: Prototyping

Sumija Ande
4 min readSep 19, 2020


  1. The name of the game is Match that Set, and it requires a standard deck of 52 cards.Players will start with 5 cards each, and the rest of the cards will be the draw pile. As the game progresses, players will be creating 5 piles of cards to make sets. When a set is complete, it is moved from that pile to a discard pile. A new pile can be created when a set on the board is completed and moved to the discard pile, so there are always 5 piles on the board. The point of the game is to not have any cards left in your hand.

2. Play Log:

Play Session 1 (Second half of game):

3 7's , 2 8's, 3 2’s, 2 A’s, 2 5’s are already on the board

G: (4) 2 (played a 2, completed the set)

S: (1) Q (started a new pile of A on the completed pile of 2's)

G: (2) Q (played a Q)

S: (3) Q

G: (3) 8

S: (4) 8 (completed the set)

G: (1) 10 (started new pile on 8 with pile of 10)

S: (3) A

G: (2) 10

S: (4) A

G: (1) 3

S: (3) 3

G: (4) 3

S: (2) K

G: (3) 5

S: (3) K

G: (3) 10

S: (4) 10

G: (1) 9

S: (3) 9

G: (2) 5

S: (4) 5

G: (2) J

S: (4) J

G: (1) 6 (G won)

After the first game session, I realized there wasn’t really anything to be looking forward to that would give players a special power or ability. This is when I added the rule of having a complete set in your hand. If a player has a complete set in their hand, they can play that set on any pile, even if the numbers don’t match, and move all the cards in that pile to the discard pile.

Play Session 2 (second half):

2 K’s, 2 9's, 3 2's, 2 10's, 1 3 on the board

A: drew and played a 2 (set completed)

S: played a 6 (new pile)

A: played a 6

S: played a 6

A: played a 9

S: drew and played a 9 (set completed)

A: played a 8 (new pile)

S: played an A

A: played a 2

S: played a 8

A: drew

S: drew

A: drew and played an A (set completed)

S: played two 5's (new pile)

(S won)

After this session, I realized that it might be best to have a discard pile to put cards aside because if this game was played in person, keeping the sets separate but on the same table can get messy. It’s also better than stacking piles on top of previous sets because that could get messy too.

Play Session 3 (Full Game):

Sumija placed two 7’s on an empty slot

Loi placed an A on an empty slot

Sumija placed a Q on an empty slot

Loi placed a 5 on an empty slot

Sumija placed a 9 on an empty slot

Loi played a 7

Sumija played an A

Loi played a 7 (complete)

Sumija played a 6 (new set)

Loi draw

Sumija draw

Loi draw

Sumija draw

Loi draw

Sumija draw

Loi draw

Sumija played a 9

Loi played a 9

Sumija draw played a Q

Loi draw played a

Sumija draw played a 6

Loi draw played a 5

Sumija draw

Loi played a 9 (complete)

Sumija played two 10’s (new)

Loi played a 10

Sumija draw

Loi draw

Sumija draw

Loi played a 5

Sumija draw

Loi draw played a 6

Sumija draw

Loi draw played a A

Sumija draw play 5 (complete)

Loi played a two 4’s (new)

Sumija played two 4’2 (complete)

Loi played J (new)

Sumija two J’s

Loi draw play 10 (complete)

Sumija play 8 (new)

Loi play two 8’s

Sumija draw play Q (complete)

Loi play (3) new)

Sumija play 3

Loi draw

Sumija draw and played 8 (complete)

Loi played K (new)

Sumija played K

Loi draw and play A (complete)

Sumija played 2 (new) done

3. The core mechanic of the game was matching ( definition: Players must make their next play by matching a feature on the previous play) Players have to match their cards to the ones on the board which changes as sets are completed and piles are started.

Game 1:

Game 2:

Game 3:

